
ManiacYKT's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 449 (From 102 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 6,610 Points

Ventures Of ?Cyberdevil

Medals Earned: 2/11 (10/330 points)

Started 5 Points

Level 1

Up 5 Points

Its only Starting

3 10 Points

Level 3

Hard 4 10 Points

Levels Are Getting Hard

High 5 25 Points

Level 5

Jump Down 25 Points

Down to Jump

Missile Jump 25 Points

Use Missile to Get up

Run 25 Points

Stop me!!!

23 50 Points

Jump 23 Times

Never 50 Points

Never Return

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 10/11 (220/245 points)

Boner 5 Points

Get a bonus!

Influenza 5 Points

Give the host influenza

Measles 5 Points

Give the host measles

Hepatitis 10 Points

Give the host hepatitis

Herpes 10 Points

Give the host herpes

Leukocide 10 Points

Kill a white blood cell

Drug Resistance 25 Points

Complete a level after having taken damage

HIV 25 Points

Kill the host

Smallpox 25 Points

Give the host smallpox

Hyper Mutation 100 Points

Complete the game in under 500 seconds

Lymphocaust 25 Points

Kill 10 white blood cells

Where's Derpy? 3

Medals Earned: 3/8 (40/160 points)

Nom 5 Points

Find 20 muffins!

NomNom 10 Points

Find 40 muffins!

Love Is In Bloom 25 Points

Help Derpy find her true love!

Attention Horse 10 Points

Find Lyra wherever she may be.

There's Derpy! 10 Points

Complete the game.

Magical Mystery Box 25 Points

Find all 6 golden muffin to unlock the mysterious box!

The. Worst. Possible. Thing! 25 Points

Find Rarity's diamond-encrusted purple ribbon.

Omnomnom! 50 Points

Find 60 muffins!

World's End Chapter 1

Medals Earned: 3/18 (20/360 points)

Deplorable Elevation 5 Points

Use the elevator.

Payment in Blood 5 Points

Defeat 25 enemies.

What Were A Boss? 10 Points

Defeat Laszlo.

Blasphemous Errand 10 Points

Defeat Otis.

Class and Refinement 10 Points

Defeat Zofia.

Murderous Rampage 10 Points

Defeat 50 enemies.

So Many Highs Left Unattained 10 Points

Defeat Boris.

Calculated Indifference 25 Points

Learn all of Ivan's skills.

Crossing the Threshold 25 Points

Complete the game.

Delayed Retirement 25 Points

Learn all of Casimir's skills.

Into the Chasm of Enlightenment 25 Points

Learn all of Tevoran's skills.

Petulant Frenzy 25 Points

Learn all of Ysabel's skills.

Questionable Victory 25 Points

Achieve 8 flawless victories.

Relics Unveiled 25 Points

Find all secrets.

Skeetlings To The Four Breezes 25 Points

Learn all of Vadim's skills.

Strong Like Ox 25 Points

Learn all of Oksana's skills.

Unprecedented Violence 25 Points

Defeat every enemy.

Boundless Cunning 50 Points

Achieve flawless victories in every battle.

You Are Disabled

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/325 points)

Crippled 25 Points

Reach the end with the Crippled disability.

Illiterate 50 Points

Reach the end with the Illiterate disability.

Nearly Blind 100 Points

Reach the end with the Nearly Blind disability.

Spastic 100 Points

Reach the end with the Spastic disability.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Only Get One Face

Medals Earned: 2/18 (10/490 points)

Clean shaven 5 Points

Successfully shaved it all off!

Full beard 5 Points

Successfully find the full beard!

Full Gringo 10 Points

Successfully find the Full Gringo!

King Tut 10 Points

Dig up King Tut

La Poirot 10 Points

Detect la Poirot!

Mutton Chops 10 Points

Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops

Napoleon Imperial 10 Points

Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial

Soul Patch 10 Points

Find your soul (patch)

The Lemmy 10 Points

Locate Lemmy!

Thespian 10 Points

Successfully audition the Thespian

Abe 25 Points

Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!

Fu manchu 25 Points

Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu

Goatee 25 Points

Successfully find the Goatee

Zappa 25 Points

Rock out the Zappa

The Souvarov 50 Points

Successfully find The Souvarov

Winnfield 50 Points

Successfully find The Winnfield

Sparrow 100 Points

Enter random pirate quote here...

The Anchor 100 Points

Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.

Zelda the Welder

Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/70 points)

Clock Welder 5 Points

Repair the clock

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Robot Welder 10 Points

Repair the robot

Bomb Welder 50 Points

Okay it's disarmed, but I can't just leave it BROKEN

Zombie Resurrection

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/50 points)

Dead Giveaway 5 Points

Completed the first level

Halfway There 10 Points

Complete 10 levels

High Five 10 Points

Complete 5 levels

Zombie Resurrector 25 Points

Complete all levels

Zombies In Your Backyard

Medals Earned: 9/10 (275/325 points)

Can't wait to kill? 5 Points

Kill a zombie in the menu.

Good choice! 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds-logo to visit Newgrounds.

I wish that I could fly! 5 Points

Jump 10 times.

Caring for the little things in life... 10 Points

Kill 10 little zombies.

First half 25 Points

Survive 5 days.

Serial Killer 25 Points

Kill 50 zombies in one game.

Heavy metal! 50 Points

Buy the minigun.

Survivor 50 Points

Survive all 10 days.

Collector 100 Points

Buy all weapons from the shop.

That good old pistol... 50 Points

Survive until day 5 without buying a weapon from the shop.

Zombokill 2

Medals Earned: 1/26 (10/490 points)

Cocky 10 Points

Destroy 5 roadblocks

True Fan 5 Points

Play 30 min

Crash-manikin 10 Points

Fell off the bike 5 times

Engineer 10 Points

Build 10 game objects (roadblocks and turrets)

Flamegun Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with flamegun

Grenadegun Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with grenadegun

Hunter 10 Points

Kill 100 zombies in a one day

Invincible Warrior 10 Points

Fight 3 minutes without damage in one day

Iron Ass 10 Points

Ride 10,000 kilometers

Machinegun Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with machinegun

Minigun Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with minigun

Pistol Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with pistol

Shotgun Killer 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies with shotgun

Street Fighter 10 Points

Kill 50 zombies at melee

Top Gear 10 Points

Switch to 5th gear

Top Gun 10 Points

Max. upgrade any primary weapon

True Biker 10 Points

Defend bike 3 minutes without damage in one day

999 bullets 25 Points

Get 999 bullets for any weapon

Bloody Rider 25 Points

Kill 50 zombies at bike

Butcher 25 Points

Kill 50 zombies with chainsaw

Moneymaker 25 Points

Collect 10000 coins

Multikiller 25 Points

50 multi kills

Explosive Nature 50 Points

Blow up 50 zombies with time bombs and mines

Megakiller 50 Points

Kill 1000 zombies

Lord of War 100 Points

Buy and upgrade all weapons